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Discover how the Programme works

The European Funds for Smart Economy 2021-2027 programme is a continuation of the two earlier programes, Innovative Economy 2007-2013 and Smart Growth 2014-2020.

Programme objectives

  • increasing the potential for research and innovation and the use of advanced technologies;
  • increasing the competitiveness of SMEs;
  • developing skills for smart specialisations, industrial transformation and entrepreneurship;
  • transformation of the economy towards Industry 4.0 and green technologies.

The program consists of four priorities

I - Support for entrepreneurs - providing co-financing in the areas of R&D, implementation of new solutions, R&D infrastructure, internationalisation, competence development, digitalisation, green economy.

II - Innovation-friendly environment - supporting projects of strategic importance to the Polish economy, including, among others, the development of public research infrastructure, transfer and commercialisation of technologies developed at universities and institutes, strengthening the potential of business environment institutions such as accelerators, clusters, research institutions, broad support for start-ups and the development of enterprises commencing innovative activity - Innovation Coach.

III - Greening of enterprises - support for projects that directly contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the European Green Deal, including climate neutrality, green transformation of the economy and sustainable development. The offer to companies will include a green guarantee fund, a green credit and IPCEI projects. This will be complemented by innovative public procurement of R&D work on technologies and products not yet available on the market, desirable for social and environmental reasons.

IV - Technical assistance - providing systemic support to potential beneficiaries through the implementation of activities encouraging and facilitating the application for funds from the Programme, the continuation of STEP, supporting beneficiaries in the implementation of projects, as well as providing administrative support in the implementation of the Programme.

For whom

  • enterprises,
  • scientific sector,
  • consortia of entrepreneurs and consortia of entrepreneurs with research organisations,
  • business environment institutions, i.e. entrepreneurship centres, innovation centres, financial institutions.

Forms of support

  • grants,
  • financial instruments,
  • capital and guarantee instrument,
  • instruments combining repayable and grant financing.


The budget of the programme is approximately PLN 42.9 billion, i.e. approximately EUR 10 billion.

EU contribution: approximately PLN 34.2 billion

National contribution: approximately 8.7 billion PLN

Important information